Why Having a Mobile Website is Important to Your Practice | Solution21, Inc.

Solution21 dental and medical practice mobile website

More and more people are turning to their mobile devices to find their healthcare provider, so having a mobile website for your practice is crucial to your success and connecting to a growing number of patients on-the-go. At Solution21, we create a mobile website that provides seamless user experience, that is aligned to your main practice website design, to make sure your patients are one simple touch away from your practice and services all the time.

Research reveal that 83% of American adults ages 18 and older own a mobile phone, 34% of which own smartphones. With so many smartphone owners, it is important for potential and existing patients that visit your website to see a website that is mobile friendly.

Mobile search is growing fast!

  • 90% of American adults have a cell phone
  • 90% of smartphone users have searched for local information
  • 67% of cell owners find themselves checking their phone for messages, alerts, or calls
  • 65% smartphone users read reviews on their phones
  • 34% of internet users go online using their phones
  • Internet access through mobile phones is overtaking desktop use
  • Mobile online search has grown four times

What are the advantages of having a mobile website?

  • One tap to calling
  • One tap to email and appointment request
  • One tap for map and directions
  • One tap to social networking
  • Quick access to information regarding your practice and services
  • Fast loading time
  • Easy navigation

What kind of patients are searching for dentists and doctors on their smart phone?

  • New or current patients on-the-go
  • New patients that work in an environment where desktop internet use is monitored
  • New patients in town on holiday or vacation
  • Seasonal patients– patients that may live in your area part time

How can this be a competitive advantage for me? 

  • Less than 1% of dental and medical practices have a mobile website.
  • Google positions mobile sites (with .mobi extensions) with priority above .com sites if the person searching is using their mobile phone.
  • Get ahead of the competition, especially in competitive/urban areas

How can I learn more?
Feel free to give Solution21 a call at 949-336-7575 to discuss mobile website for your practice.

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